Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Year 2 - Induction

Getting back in to the swing of drawing - it had been a while
Over the summer we were set the task of developing a character that resides in a post-apocalyptic world.
  I spent some time coming up with a way for the world to end. I brainstormed for a while until I snapped to the world losing the arms-race with bacteria. With that, I created a human male, tore off limbs - lost in an explosion - and replaced them with cool exoskeleton-esque appendages. I did this with gameplay in mind. I wanted a character that was justified to move very quickly and fall from great heights, since I enjoy good movement in video games (with a history of arena shooters - Quake, Shootmania: Storm, CoD4 Promod, Loadout).

  The first task given to us upon returning to college this September was to draw up an orthographic of our character. This was something I needed more practice at, so was glad to be given the opportunity. I felt like it went alright, but taught me how difficult it is to stay accurate and true to an organic design when looking at it from different angles.
Some design thought in to the look of the prosthetic limbs
  Using these orthos as references, we sculpted our designs with clay. First with air-dry stuff, which demanded you to work quickly - something I wasn't prepared for - as it went hard and became unusable within 15 minutes. Then, with some more expensive clay that gave you much more time to work with. With both attempts, I felt myself falling in to the same traps of making the facial features too small. Resulting in a baby-faced/non-human looking thing. I would love more practice with the media, though. I did enjoy physically creating something.
Orthographic of male lead character
  The next week brought Mudbox upon us. With the news of a 3D sculpt, I fancied a change of design. I grew wary of my boring, regular looking male bust. So, I quickly threw together a new orthographic of a stranger, more grotesque looking character.

   Happy with that, I sunk my teeth in to Mudbox. I enjoyed working with it a lot more than physical clay, since the virtual tool-set was a nice crutch for my limited skill. And working with tablets allowed me to utilise my traditional drawing skill.
  The exercises over the induction period have provided excellent opportunity to revive my work ethic, learn about form - particularly human, and how important it is to work from references.
Doodling more interesting shapes

   I am slowly learning that I need to increase the size of my sketches. Filling the page of a sketchbook will feel better without so much negative space.

Orthographic of Mudbox creature

Here are some progressive screenshots of my work in Mudbox (below).

Save file 2 - cutting jagged lines
Save file 5 - refining shapes and seems
Save file 8 - adding teeth

Jar Jar Binks vs Admiral Ackbar + a meth addiction

The John Wilkes Booth

Okay, so it's more of a classroom than a booth, but our lessons with Mr Wilkes have been enjoyable. With a more technical air to the atmosphere, each session feels like a work-out for our drawing hands. The first task was a reminder of perspective, a necessary exercise. Secondly, we had some still life drawings to do. A test of how well we can interpret what is in front of us, and then show on paper. Our mark-making techniques were strained.
   However, my rebellious side shined through during the second task, as I grew tired of drawing the goat skull sat in front of me. I turned my POV (the back) of the goat's skull in to a hideous creature instead. With Mr Wilkes' permission, of course.